The importance of stress in our lives.

So many times life can seem over whelming, how in the world am I going to be able to get everything done? There is just too much to do! I have felt this way on too many occasions. These moments are usually very stressful and harmful to our health in the long run if we constantly think this and also live this way. There will always be moments in life where you just can’t avoid having just way too much to do. Those are moments of growth, if we allow them, where we show how we can handle the stresses of live in a healthy manner. But this shouldn’t be the norm. It should be for short moments at a time in our life.

Stressful moments in life are very important, they show us if we are growing. Not only does it show us if we are growing but it is on many occasions the moment of growth. Stressful moments in life are where we show who we really are. I don’t remember who said it but I believe it to be true, In moments of stress or difficultly we always fall back on our lowest level of practice or training. not our highest.

That is why it is so important to be in stressful situations at times, so we can learn and test our ability to stay calm and not get emotional. It is easy to stay calm and level headed when we are not stressed. It is easy to think logical and not emotional when we aren’t in a stressful situation or moment in life. The growth comes when we can do it in stressful moments, painful moments.

One way we can turn our stressful moments in life into moments of growth is by being open-minded, listen to hear how.

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