Living a life of Health with Dustin Powers.

On the Show is Dustin Powers, someone that is doing it. He is living a life where he is able to put health in its proper order. It wasn’t easy, as anything worth pursuing in this life of ups and downs. Dustin explains when and how he first realized the need to make a change and most importantly how he…

Getting the most important in order.

What is the most important thing above all other things. I believe it to be your health. There is nothing more important than your health. Once you lose your health you are pretty much worthless. No, you actually become a burden to yourself and even worse to others. “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life” – Jerzy Gergorek If…


I wanted to take some time and share why I am moving to less and less vegetables in my diet. I hate the word diet because when someone says it, what first comes to most peoples mind is weight loss. But diet just means the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. over the last 100…

I can, I can, I can, I did!

Mental ruts can be very hard to get out of. I am going to give you how I helped myself out of one. What I did to help me get out of a terrible mental rut that was years in the making. I played in the dirt a lot. I used natures ability to heal as much and as long…

Plants are our medicine with Leah Larabell.

I really enjoyed this conversation. The more I study about nutrition, health and how our ancestors lived I realize that plants were their medicine and plants need to be our medicine. This information used to be passed down from generation to generation but that has stopped. Now we must look for it. Most don’t use plants as their medicine because…

Heal faster, very soon!

I have pretty much dedicated my life to learning and teaching people how to simplify their health using nature as the biggest help. Here are the 3 most important things we must know to achieve it, I believe. We heal from the inside out. Nature is our medicine. Lifestyles are our health. Nature helped my body heal from a terrible physical trauma, and…

Reducing unnecessary stress in 6 steps.

Tune in to hear how I reduce unnecessary stress with 6 steps. To sum it all up. 1: Find something that brings you to the present moment, if it also has to be something that can support yourself and family even better. Get out in nature as much as possible because it will bring you to the present moment. Plant…

Take the next step and things will get better.

I am excited about this episode, This is the first time I talk about a brand my brother in law and I started in Argentina. The brand is Consuelda and it is all about getting us though the physical bumps, bruises, falls, cuts, scrapes, rips and tears of life. If we are active we will experience some of those and…