Playing in the Dirt

(2 customer reviews)



As I placed my bare feet on the cool, moist soil. I grabbed my garden shovel, stepped over the small fence, and soaked in the mild breeze and beautiful rays of the spring sun that rained over me. The five peppers my daughter had planted from seed had outgrown their container and needed a new home. My front yard garden was the perfect place. As I dug into the soil placing the first plant into the ground, I felt calm. I felt peace, I felt still, I felt that this was something many people needed.
In playing in the Dirt you will learn how interacting with the Earth´s soil can heal you and help maintain good health as you travel through life´s journey. I include personal experiences of how the soil has enhanced my health physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This book will show you that by simply playing in the dirt, you can greatly improve your health. If this sounds too simple, it´s because that is what it´s supposed to be – simple!

Feeling your best can be achieved and this book will show you why getting outside and playing in the dirt is a sure way to help you get there.

2 reviews for Playing in the Dirt

  1. Al Grossi aka Punk Rock Farmer KRCL 90.9 fm

    Loved the book! Playing in the dirt was my favorite pastime as a child. And perfectly therapeutic in so many ways that fit with the current situation of the world and everyday life. Grow some food, get your hands dirty, take a deep breath! Thank you Ben.

  2. Michael

    Great engaging book and really hits home some key messages about taking better care of yourself.

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